Cabo de Gata #1, Almería, Spain 10/13
Getting an early start from Granada and the incomparable La Alhambra, we wanted to be ahead of the other 6998 tourists who had presumably visited the complex with us the day before. Too many churches, too many palaces and castles. All wonderful and interesting but it was time to head for a beach and some fresh air, and perhaps wishful thinking, someplace where there were not two dogs barking all night. The wild coast called Cabo de Gata was in our sights. This is one of the very few sections of the Spanish Mediterranean that has not been developed owing to its National Park status.
We had beaches recommended by other travelers so our first stop was La Caleta. This little cove tucked between rocky cliffs offered us shore power, water, hot showers, a laundromat, internet access, and it was quiet. The reasonably cute town of Las Negras was within walking distance for a café latte. There were other hiking trails nearby, giving us a view of the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean.
We stayed several days, determined to catch up on blogs and other e-mail correspondence. It also turned out to be a great place to relax, meet fellow travelers, and celebrate our 31st wedding anniversary. (God that’s a long time!!!– and we’re still both alive.) In addition to nightly carvings off the wonderful Jamón Ibérica de Bellota, (See previous blog on Ibérica ham), we had also stashed away a melt-in-your-mouth Ibérica de Bellota roast to barbecue and a nice bottle of Rioja wine for this occasion. Sunsets were spectacular, especially when we realized they were no longer setting over the ocean.

We spent a couple of fun evenings with the Dutch couple Hans and Sabine where we pre-celebrated Hans’ 60th birthday.

La Caleta was great place to relax, meet fellow travelers, and celebrate our 31st wedding anniversary.

We had also stashed away a melt-in-your mouth Ibérica de Bellota roast to barbecue on our anniversary.
Getting an early start from Granada and the incomparable La Alhambra, we wanted to be ahead of the other 6998…